Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things That a Private Pilot Must Expect on Their First Solo Flight

As a student private pilot, one of the most difficult and challenging tasks that you have to surpass is the first solo flight. No matter what ground school you’re enrolled in, you’re going to have your first solo flight one way or another. Defining it can be really simple – this is going to be your very first flight as a private pilot trainee without the supervision of your ground school instructor or teacher. This means that you have to look after yourself – apply all the concepts, even the very first lessons that you’ve learned when you have decided you wanted to learn to fly. Remember, there is no one to supervise you as you try to fly the aircraft, so you have to be extra careful and you have to take charge of your airplane.

What are the things that a student private pilot should expect during his / her first solo flight? What if the student is not yet prepared? What if there are certain things that the ground school wasn’t able to tackle? First and foremost, your flight instructor won’t endorse you to have your own solo flight if you’re not capable of doing so. Meaning, by the time that you have received your endorsement, which is the perfect time that your ground school instructor has complete confidence on your skills, and that your instructor believes that you can handle flying an aircraft on your own.

Technically, this experience can be anxious for some, while some are feeling nervous about it. Just remember, clear your head. Concentrate, and remember all the concepts that you’ve learned from your ground school. An unclear head won’t help you in any way – have confidence on what you do. Don’t forget to apply everything that you’ve learned. The learning doesn’t stop here – there are many other important points that you’ll learn about, and your solo flight is just the first step.